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The multimeter maintenance switch power common faults and judgment method

The fault is three, not even a sound. First we use the observation method to check whether the fuse is fused.
(1) the fuse is fused
A, if the fuse is broken, and the serious black, there are serious short circuit, show circuit caused by excessive current and blow out the fuse, at this time should not change insurance tube directly, boot.
Maintenance methods: digital multimeter with diode (pointer) in RX100 gears to the road load part of the main components of measurement, such as breakdown, the rectifier diode rectifier filtering C907 breakdown or serious leakage, high pressure filter capacitor power switch pipe, pipe, B +, degaussing coil to degaussing resistance.
B, the insurance has been fused, the glass tube is not black to be able to see the broken wire inside, this is the capacity of the fuse is too small, in the moment of turning on the magnetic current is big and fuse. The machine will return to normal with a delayed fuse of the same size. This doesn't happen much.


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